Nepal National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for 2014-2020, was developed in 2014. The NBSAP (2014-2020) is a key instrument for translating the Aichi targets set by COP 10 of CBD into national action through national targets. Green Governance Nepal, in a joint venture with Lumbini Environment Services Pvt. Ltd., conducted the mid-term monitoring and evaluation of NBSAP with 3 major objectives i) to assess and review the progress of the NBSAP implementation by 2017, and find the gaps, constraints and challenges in implementation; (ii) mainstream and harmonize the biodiversity activities implemented by various organizations at national, province and local levels; and (iii) recommend areas of improvement to implement the NBSAP implementation on the ground in full phase as planned with respect to new federal structure of the country.